Section: Software

Depth maps extractor in multi-view (MV2MVD)

Participant : Josselin Gauthier [contact person] .

This software estimates depth maps from multi-view videos, to provide Multi-View plus Depth (MVD) videos. MVD videos can be used to synthesize virtual views of the scene, or to render a different number of views than captured in the original video, for instance on an auto-stereoscopic display. This software produces depth maps of higher quality than those generated by the Depth Estimation Reference Software from the MPEG-3DV group, in terms of virtual views synthesis quality. This software has been filed at the APP (Agence de Protection des Programmes) under the number IDDN.FR.001.110034.000.S.P.2010.000.31235.

Figure 1. Depth maps extracted for the kendo sequence (right and left views) with DERS (3rd column) and TEMICS software (middle column).